Cannabis Dispensary Consumption Lounge Recalled and Passed; Survives Fog of Arguments Over Voting Technicalities – Vermilion County First

After about 30 minutes of what the average person might call pure chaos, the Danville City Council Tuesday (March 4th) night did indeed vote to reconsider the Seven Point of Illinois cannabis dispensary’s consumption lounge, and then did end up passing it this time around.
Two weeks ago, the Council voted 7-5 in favor of the lounge, but that was short of the majority eight votes needed.  Two aldermen, Mike O’Kane and Heidi Wilson, were absent; and an attempt to table the vote until all 14 aldermen were present also fell short.
That was when it got interesting.  Over the last two weeks, Seven Point and their legal team believed they had found rules allowing the vote to be reconsidered at the following meeting, because the proposal passed but came up short.  Three aldermen who had voted “yes” the first time; Jon Cooper, Michael Puhr, and Ed Butler; signed a request to put it on the agenda.
City Corporation Counsel Leon Parker, however, had a different take on things.  He felt that what the council actually had to do was get ten votes to override a city rule, then see if the lounge could eventually pass.  CIMG asked Seven Point legal representative John Beardsley his interpretation of Corporation Counsel Parker’s recommendation.

(1st Picture) Seven Point of Illinois attorney John Beardsley speaks before City Council.   (2nd Picture) Seven Point CEO Brad Zerman addresses Council.  (3rd Picture) Pastor Randy Downing speaks against consumption lounge.
AUDIO: What I think they were suggesting is rather than vote to reconsider, which would require eight; that we would instead need to vote to suspend the rules, which would require ten.  So it seemed like they were trying to suggest that there was a greater, I guess a greater burden required.  I think the rule they were trying to suspend was the rule about reconsidering motions.
But eventually, the original motion to vote for the recall with eight votes needed was acted upon and passed.  Alderman Wilson, one of the two absent two weeks ago, was extremely adamant that the city should proceed, and not be concerned with the corporation counsel’s recommendation.  We talked with her afterwards.
AUDIO: There was a motion on the floor to vote for the reconsideration; so that’s what it should have been.
Alderman Jon Cooper agreed.
AUDIO: I’ve had three or four different lawyers’ opinion on what we did tonight.  And I think we did the right thing, so….

(1st Picture) Ed Butler, Heidi Wilson, and Carolyn Wands participate in Council conversation.  (2nd Picture) Seven Point CEO Brad Zerman relaxes as momentum turns his way. (3rd Picture) Police Chief Christopher Yates addresses Council.
Seven Point CEO Brad Zerman very much appreciated Alderwoman Wilson’s stand.
AUDIO: We know that she felt terribly that she missed that last meeting.  You know, she’s been a big supporter of ours.  And, we’re grateful that she made it to this meeting and helped rally the troops.
So now, with the consumption lounge approved, Zerman was also thankful to the many speakers who spoke in favor of this business venture during public comment.
AUDIO: We’re just so grateful that there were so many supporters that came, from around the city and Vermilion County, to support us; that we didn’t know them at all.  It was really surprising to hear.  But now, we’re excited to make new friends in the business community.
Both Zerman and Police Chief Christopher Yates spoke of Yates’ recommendation that anyone who leaves the lounge with leftover product purchased at Seven Point of Illinois would be able to leave with tamper evident tape on the product, to keep it legally sealed while in their vehicles.
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