Voice of the Plant: Alliance of OGs, Seeds & Rare Genetics, Talking Terps

Todd McCormick: Where Did Real HAZE Go?, Playboy Mansion, Raids, Prison, Opening Woodstock


We’ve had other guests on in the past who have unveiled never-before-heard history of the herb, but nothing comes close to the secrets revealed in this episode.Blackleaf finally hunted down the elusive Todd McCormick, an American activist, childhood cancer survivor, author, and medical herb patient for a once-in-a-lifetime conversation. Todd has a laundry list of achievements and sightings in pop culture dating back to the late 80s. More recently, he’s been an ongoing judge at the yearly Emerald Cup in NorCal and was one of the winners of the Cannabis Culture Award in 2012. You may have also seen him speak on screen during the 2007 documentary, The Union: The Business Behind Getting High.There are no stones left unturned in this episode, as Todd recalls his famous 1997 arrest where he was caught with over 2,100 plants at a Bel-Air mansion and never snitching on any of his constituents, subsequently serving a 5-year sentence as a result, and getting bailed out by DJ Pooh and Boondocks creator, Aaron McGruder. You’ll also hear about the famous Playboy Mansion parties that he used to attend as well as host in the name of herbal activism.It’s impossible to stuff all of the insane stories Todd tells into one description, as well as all of the celebrities that he’s befriended over the years. But, some names that will come up along the way include his close friends Hugh Hefner, Bill Maher, Dave Matthews, Tommy Chong, Mel Frank, Andy Dick, Joe Rogan, and so many more. You’ll even get to hear the legends of Skunk strain creator Skunkman Sam and Northern Lights strain creator, Seattle Greg.In the realm of valuable knowledge, Todd riffs gems left and right throughout this pod. He weighs in on the global expansion of herb, its origins in Afghanistan and the Greater Middle East, how to perfectly pop a seed, why classic strains are dying out, and the origin of the war on drugs via the alcohol industry.Take your time to really go through this episode and soak up all of the crazy stories and wisdom from the unsung hero of herb, Todd McCormick, who’s been growing for over 40 years and sharing their mission of normalizing herbal consumption at places like Woodstock ‘99, where he wound up giving a 40-minute opening speech.Find all of Todd’s current genetic work showcased through his brand, Authentic Genetics Seed Company, agseedsco.com.Subscribe to our channel and the FSOTD.com site to keep up with other key players and enjoy conversations with tastemakers from the culture you can’t find anywhere else.


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