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LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A WHAS11 News open records request revealed the Louisville area medical cannabis dispensaries are at 2401 Bardstown Road and 9736 3rd Street Road.
They will be located in the Highlands neighborhood and near Valley Station, respectively.
Medical marijuana patient Jennifer Dunegan said even though cannabis is officially legal for patients with medical cards, getting the product at these dispensaries will take a while longer.
“They haven’t even had time to grow it,” Dunegan said. “It takes at least three months to grow a crop.”
The locations for the two cannabis dispensaries were chosen in a lottery last month.
WHAS11 News obtained the exact Louisville locations of the dispensaries through an open records request of the official state application form, which lists the physical street addresses.
But, Dunegan said no one is racing there just yet.
“It’s going to be probably late summer or fall, I think, before we’ll really have the dispensaries that are actually open that we can go to locally,” she said.
Dunegan said even though medical marijuana became legal on Jan. 1, to get her hands on it is still a waiting game.
“They have no product yet,” Dunegan said. “Because the law that Kentucky passed says that from seed to sale, all has to be done in the state of Kentucky, in Kentucky soil.”
Her husband Patrick Dunegan is the director of the Kentucky Cannabis Freedom Coalition, an organization trying to decriminalize cannabis in the state.
“In my eyes, all cannabis use is medicinal,” he said.
He’s lobbying for expanded legislation in front of the General Assembly on Jan. 7, but other groups like the Family Foundation are trying to halt more cannabis laws from passing.
“Then using that as a spring board to go to those next steps to further expand the program to the point where basically anyone who is 21 or older can get marijuana whenever they want,” Jesse Green said about laws for more cannabis freedoms.
Green works with the Family Foundation, a Christian-based lobbyist group.
“Right now I don’t anticipate the General Assembly doing anything to expand it,” Green said.
As of Jan. 1, eligible patients are able to apply for medical cannabis cards with the state of Kentucky.
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