John Marcellino
John Marcellino
Tradesman Exchange, a Mashpee-based marijuana delivery company, cleared another hurdle to opening when the Mashpee Board of Health unanimously approved the business’s delivery permit on January 17.
John P. Marcellino, a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and former operator of The Station Grill in Falmouth, is one of the business owners. Tradesman Exchange, which will do business as Tribal Fire Cannabis Delivery, will be the first marijuana delivery service on Cape Cod, he told the board.
The brick-and-mortar store, which Mr. Marcellino said is currently being built, will be located at 800 Falmouth Road. No customers will visit the location, since the business will be delivery-only. According to its website, Tradesman Exchange will deliver to “all approved municipalities,” starting with Mashpee, Brewster, Eastham, Truro and Provincetown.
The company received a provisional license from the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission in March 2023. On Wednesday, Mr. Marcellino told the board he was the only Native American in the Northeast with a cannabis control license; it took him about two-and-a-half years to obtain, he said.
Customers will be limited to ordering roughly an ounce of product and will be able to pay with debit cards or cash, Mr. Marcellino said, adding credit cards will be an option in the future. Customers’ identities will be certified, he said. Health Agent Zackary J. Seabury explained that customers will input a driver’s license number into the system and must show the same license to the delivery driver.
Tribal Fire will own the delivery vehicles and is getting ready to purchase them soon, Mr. Marcellino said; the model will likely be Toyota Corollas. The cars will not have any decals and will have a vault and three cameras inside, he said. Delivery drivers, who will be employees of Tradesman Exchange, will wear body cameras. The Cannabis Control Commission will perform background checks on drivers and issue a number that has to match the camera they wear, he said.
Mr. Marcellino said Tribal Fire will receive product from a Brockton company called Theory Wellness. Product will be delivered in a secure truck and stored in a vault. The facility has over 14 cameras, he said.
The company’s number-one priority, Mr. Marcellino said, will be to ensure marijuana does not fall into the hands of underage people. He also said their priority was to hire within Mashpee, adding he was trying to recruit some members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.
The board’s approval was pending town inspection and state approval. Mr. Marcellino said the state inspection was coming soon.
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