The psychedelic escape from depression –

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Michael Eisenstein is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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In January 2023, Oregon is due to embark on a groundbreaking real-world experiment in psychedelic medicine. This follows a ballot measure in 2020, in which voters called on the state to begin creating the infrastructure needed to make the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin available as a treatment for mental-health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Canada made a similar move in January 2022, albeit with far more restrictions, allowing designated clinicians to prescribe psilocybin to people with debilitating mental illnesses, such as severe, treatment-resistant depression.

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Nature 609, S87-S89 (2022)
This article is part of Nature Outlook: Psychedelic medicine, an editorially independent supplement produced with the financial support of third parties. About this content.
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Psychedelic medicine faces the acid test
Taking the tripping out of psychedelic medicine
Hope that psychedelic drugs can erase trauma
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Your brain on psychedelics
Psychedelic research and the real world
Psychedelic microdosing hits a rough patch in clinical trials
Research round-up: psychedelic medicine
The psychedelic remedy for chronic pain
Can psychedelic drugs uncover the secrets of consciousness?
Sponsor feature: Why regulators say now is the time to explore psychedelics
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Postdoctoral positions funded by NIH are for study of meiosis and spermatogonial stem cells using mouse models. Generous stipend and benefits.
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University of Pennsylvania – Department of Biomedical Sciences
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Associate or Senior, Nature Medicine: Infectious Diseases New York, Shanghai or Beijing – Hybrid Working Application Deadline: August 1, 2024   Nat…
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Funded investigator has an immediate opening for a post-doctoral fellow to develop therapies for genetic diseases.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, East Baltimore Campus
Johns Hopkins University Department of Medicine
Houston, Texas (US)
Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)

Psychedelic medicine faces the acid test
Taking the tripping out of psychedelic medicine
Hope that psychedelic drugs can erase trauma
How MDMA resensitizes the brain
Finding medical value in mescaline
Your brain on psychedelics
Psychedelic research and the real world
Psychedelic microdosing hits a rough patch in clinical trials
Research round-up: psychedelic medicine
The psychedelic remedy for chronic pain
Can psychedelic drugs uncover the secrets of consciousness?
Sponsor feature: Why regulators say now is the time to explore psychedelics
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