A bizarre mid-flight incident involving an off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot has raised questions about the effects of psychedelic mushrooms, sleep deprivation and psychosis.
The pilot, 44-year-old Joseph David Emerson, was on board as a passenger and is accused of trying to cut the engines midflight, before being subdued by the flight crew. Later, Emerson reportedly told police he had taken psychedelic mushrooms 48 hours before the flight, was in a mental health crisis, dehydrated and had been awake for 40 hours. He has pleaded not guilty to numerous legal charges.
While details about Emerson’s mental health and experience with mushrooms aren’t known, The Washington Post spoke to experts on psychedelics to learn more about how the drug can affect brain and behavior. Here’s what they had to say.
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What do magic mushrooms do to your brain? Answers about psilocybin. – The Washington Post